LOUIS VUITTONやCHANELなどのブランドアイテムをYoutubeで配信中! なかなか手に入らないレアなアイテムや高額商品、新品未使用の商品などをどんどん紹介していきます。 写真ではなかなか伝わりにくい商品のディティールや大きさなど分かりやすいように撮影していますので、商品購入のご参考にしてください。 随時更新していくのでチャンネル登録お願いします! youtube channel
LOUIS VUITTONやCHANELなどのブランドアイテムをYoutubeで配信中! なかなか手に入らないレアなアイテムや高額商品、新品未使用の商品などをどんどん紹介していきます。 写真ではなかなか伝わりにくい商品のディティールや大きさなど分かりやすいように撮影していますので、商品購入のご参考にしてください。 随時更新していくのでチャンネル登録お願いします! youtube channel

( VirtualStore ) Remote Sale Using online video calls anyone can join events, inquire about our items and also get an assessment for items you are hoping to sell. ...
( VirtualStore ) Remote Sale Using online video calls anyone can join events, inquire about our items and also get an assessment for items you are hoping to sell. ...

【Remo Store】Connect with us !!
Come and visit our newly opened Reference Virtual Store! Using online video calls anyone can join events, inquire about our items and also get an assessment for items you...
【Remo Store】Connect with us !!
Come and visit our newly opened Reference Virtual Store! Using online video calls anyone can join events, inquire about our items and also get an assessment for items you...

Online Customer Service
Come and visit our newly opened Reference Virtual Store! Using online video calls anyone can join events, inquire about our items and also get an assessment for items you...
Online Customer Service
Come and visit our newly opened Reference Virtual Store! Using online video calls anyone can join events, inquire about our items and also get an assessment for items you...

GUCCI Bamboo Fringe BackPack
Hello! It's finally a weekend! Do you have any special plan or relax at a house? It's already February, it's still cold but time goes very fast, so maybe you...
GUCCI Bamboo Fringe BackPack
Hello! It's finally a weekend! Do you have any special plan or relax at a house? It's already February, it's still cold but time goes very fast, so maybe you...
LOUIS VUITTON × Supreme Shoulder Bag
Hello! Today's item is Louis Vuitton and Supreme collaboration item, shoulder bag! The two brand's collaboration item is still popular ♪♪ It's a just size to put your phone and...
LOUIS VUITTON × Supreme Shoulder Bag
Hello! Today's item is Louis Vuitton and Supreme collaboration item, shoulder bag! The two brand's collaboration item is still popular ♪♪ It's a just size to put your phone and...